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What To Expect From a Sip n Paint Evening

Our Sip and Paint classes are easy and fun. They’re the perfect treat for yourself or your loved ones to relax and unwind for a few hours. If this is your first sip and paint event, then this is the perfect starter blog for you!

In this article, we are going to be giving you a sneak peek into what sip and paint events are and what is included. Whether you’re in a big group or it’s just a few people, it’s nice to know what you’re going into.

Here’s what to expect:

All of the equipment is included in the package

Classes are paid in advance, and we provide 100% of your painting supplies, protective gear, wine glasses, corkscrews, and even ice buckets, so you don’t have to show up with anything! Most of our attendees show up with some snacks but depending on the venue you visit, there are usually food options to purchase while you’re painting.

There’s a separate area for eating and drinking

There’s no need to worry about spilling paint near your food and drinks because we have a designated space where you can stop to have breaks and enjoy some snacks while you paint. Your chosen venue will have tables and counters to place your food, bottles, plates, etc.

However, your painting area itself will have plenty of space for you to place wine glasses and small snack plates. People also take breaks during the session to get more snacks/drinks and stretch their legs.

The person leading each class will also provide you with breaks in between the session so you can top up on your tasty goods without missing a step in your journey to painting a masterpiece.

You can arrive before the session starts to get settled in

The majority of attendees tend to arrive at our events before the event starts so they can settle down and make sure they grab a bite to eat and some bubbly!

For more information about our office paint parties, make sure to visit our website where you can find our contact information, sip and paint locations, and so much more!

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